We had a great appointment with our oncologist today here in Florida. We will call him Dr. B. The pathology results are back from Sloan Kettering. They are similar to the ones we already knew. The type of cancer is a sarcoma (there was a tiny chance it was something else). There are so many different kinds. Although they haven't pinpointed the exact type, the have eliminated many. Our MSKCC oncologist, Dr. K., and our bestie here, Dr. B. both agree on the plan of action. We will start chemo as soon as Orange Park Medical Center has a bed/room available for us. We are hoping for Monday but at least by Tuesday. There will be a CT scan Monday before that starts.
The types of chemo are called AIM. It is 3 different drugs. The acronym explained... A=Adriamycin, I=Ifosfamide, and M-Mesna (not a chemo drug but a drug to help offset the side effects of I). Brian will be admitted to OP Medical Center and stay for three nights. Then come home. Three weeks later we will do it again. As long as this is working we will do several cycles of this. In between chemo there will be bloodwork, shots, appointments, work, rest, play, etc.
Again....we cannot say enough about the medical staff we are working with. We love them. Everyone from office managers, schedulers, nurses, and doctors. We are blessed.
Our Needs
You have all truly given and done so much already. The love and support is insane and constantly blows us away.
Needs of the moment:
-people who want to stop by and visit while Brian is in chemo. I am going to go with him the first day but will then need to return to work and will only be there at night the following days (which is hard for me for several reasons). His mom will be there a lot too. But as Dr. B. said, the chemo part is BORING! The best way to coordinate this is to text Karen what day/time will work best for you once when know when we start. I will make a little schedule and send it out.
-lots of prayers
-hugs with smiley faces not frowny ones
-no one to tell us anything that you googled about sarcomas or learned from the internet (we are trying to avoid google for sanity purposes)
Overall, this is still insane but we are getting through this with the support of you all. It is going to be a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGG marathon, so don't burn yourselves out ;)
We love you all!
I can;t be there much more than you can, but if our Jax days over lap count me in for visits!!