Good morning! Our awesome doctor who shouldn't be working on weekends but does, called us yesterday to inform us that the chemo regimen does not need to be inpatient. Therefore we will be doing it at Baptist South starting Tuesday for 3 days straight. Brian will still need to be there most of the day, 8-4ish. The room is a shared room but we still want visitors. It'll just be important that we don't have more than two people there at a time. So if you want to drop by just text me or Brian and we will let you know if it is a good time. Also, if you are sick or have been exposed to others who are sick we ask that you wait to come. Although we like the idea of 24 hour care, we are excited to have the chemo done where we will get to build a relationship with the nurses and where our doctor will be right around the corner.
Have a happy Sunday!
Hey Brian/Karen - we are praying a lot for you guys, including my kids. They couldn't remember who you were. When I told them that you where the big, strange, ugly, bald guy(did I forget anything?) at my parents house a few years ago they immediately remembered you. We are wanting to come see you soon. Of course, we will need the matter suite and my four dogs will need a bathroom too themselves. And we are on a gluten free diet, so we will need all new cookware to avoid the risk of cross contamination. I would let you know when, but since I know that you enjoy surprises, we will drop in unexpectedly. I'm just kidding...we have an RV that we can park in your yard. Read Romans 5. I believe that God is going to heal you and that He will show you and Karen His love. We love you man!
Dear Brian & Karen, Please try to do your best to give our precious Anson & family a wonderful time when they drop in on you. Watch over their diet and don't let them eat junk food or eat out during their visit. I wouldn't worry too much about their four dogs.The St. Bernard's are hardly any trouble (compared to their children). Just be sure they each have a bathroom! The children tend to get a little wild in other folks homes. I hope Karen has strong nerves. Something always gets broken or lost when they go visiting).
DeleteMake sure they understand they can't stay more than a month or soooo. You don't want them thinking they can just move in on you. They might get to enjoying that nice warm weather where ya'll are. (By the way, I hope you don't have any favorite cats. Those dogs eat them up like treats. Well, I could just go on and on about my boy & his family, but my finger is getting a mite sore poking these letters. Why don't you just call me and we can talk & talk. I miss hearing your sweet voice. Lots & lots of wet, guey kisses from (who else), your ever-lovin Auntie Jamie
I've been praying for you guys, and thinking of you so often! HUGE hugs to all of you!