That being said we CANNOT wait to be home! 18 days away from our baby is 18 days too many. We are thankful that my mom and dad were able to stay with her and keep her in her happy environment. Once again Wings of Hope has provided us with free flights!
Things I will miss about NYC:
-mass transit, I love the subway and not having to drive!!
-awesome runs with a lot to see...even if it is the same route ever night
-being able to run late at night because everything is so lit and there are always so many people around
-all the food choices
-$10 manicures
Things that I will not miss about NYC:
-having only 1 pillow
-no ice in my water
-no free refills for Brian
-everything costing at least $30 no matter what it is
Overall WE ARE BLESSED. We continue to be reminded of this. From our friends and family to the nurses and doctors, we are loved and well cared for.
The Plan Now
Brian will begin chemo again on Tuesday (this makes us happy, we don't want to give it a chance to grow). He will do two rounds, about 2 months worth. Then we will come back to NYC for a check up and scans. At this time they'll determine if it is time for surgery on the adrenal masses or if they are still responding so well that more chemo is a better option. Surgery will happen again and we are at peace knowing that this surgeon knows the best timing for it.
In about 4 weeks Brian will start physical and occupational therapy to get full range of motion back to his arm that they operated on (they took some muscle and a nerve).
In the meantime I will head back to work but most importantly we will be HOME!!
We cannot wait to see everyone. We love you all and are always amazed at the amount of support we receive. We will get home after bedtime tonight so stay tuned for the video of us reuniting with our baby in the morning. Tonight we will snuggle puppies and be in our own bed with a million pillows and one less tumor!